Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My mind gong...

Quote of the day.
"when you demand for nothing, you will get everything"

"My head piang... my mind gong.. soon my body becomes like king kong.. my face look like ah kong.. and my hair becomes like yunzhong's.. >.< (YZ- peace) lolx.."

I came down to office at 12 am, today and only to get mad at my employer. Discipline was not trully inculcated, Many of them absent without valid reason and even late by 2-3 hours . One thing they never forgot -the time to go home at 5am. Gosh. I stayed at office alone untill 8.40pm, trying to complete the updated company profile and consolidated with my clients in singapore.

When I went home, I got even more frustrated. My moms cooked , chicken, beef, and mutton. It was a hell for me... No vegetables... Gosh.. being vegetarian in my country is harder after all. I have been eating raw been sprout and some fresh tomatoes and cabbages for 2 days.. I didnt want to have the same for dinner tonight. I went to cook some vegetarian fried rice.

It has been 5 days since I told my family I am vegetarian. Initially they all like, seriously, annoyed me.. they even asked me to eat grass since we had plenty of them in the garden.. haha.. but now they are used to eat already... I do eat some fish at a very small portion... like few grams per month, in order to fulfill my animal protein requirement.. but most of the times I will be vegetarian...

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