Tuesday, July 31, 2007

today's matt b'dae

today is matthew's b'dae.. I have bought for him a speciall b'dae gift (mini toon voodoo doll) the day earlier.. But today when he recieved it, he was quite indifferent.. well I should understand that I am no body, and the fact that he got friend in abudant.. thus, alot of people give him b'dae present... I hope I could once be like him..

Haha... I did a friendly hug with matthew.. honestly that was the first time I ever hug a guy... =.=
my comment is.. "it seems that hugging girls is still much better".. lolx ..

Alexander becoming more friendly day by day.. I am so happy that finally i have a friendship with someone.. "smarter" than me...

Monday, July 30, 2007


today I have learn in what perspective should I see friendship. Mr chng told me to ignore kunal, and ben lim simply because they are both not worthy enough for my friendship. I finally understand that. and I agreed with mr chng.

Therefore I have changed the dedication of my book, from ben lim, kunal , qian pink... into a person named alexander eng, who has brought my life back.. he is not my good friend but at least I am lucky to be his friend...I hope my friendship with will still continue at least... for this week..

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Publication of my book

Encik annuar Othman told me that by today I should have recieved that softcopy of my book for my last approval.. I asked him abt it yesterday thru sms.. He merely answered "Encik rosman will sure email you once he had finished editing" ... I believe If this unurgent attitude has to continue the launching date of my poetry book will have to be delayed again after being delayed from 29 of july to 24 of august...

Alex said, " stop massaging me"

today I was trying to study again, as what alex tought me.. but it was really hard ... obstacles seemed to block my way, in any way..

this morning I tried to ask for alex help again, I thought maybe he could give me some advice which is useful for my "struggle" to start studying hard again just like last time.. mhh unfortunately he answered:

"dude you cant massage me morning till night man, there's a reason i'm leaving my phone off half of the time and it's cause I don't want distractions."

feeling disappointed of him, I just answered.. "k, i see"

mhh... dear diary, I know, that's the attitude of a creature named human. most of them are kind cuz they are willing to help other, however almost half of them will stop helping in the mid point.. and that's only make matter worse..

They should be either, "not to help at all" or "to help completely"

Kunal? I still decided not to massage him so often again... I completely washed my hand on him.. He thinks he can do it himself, well that's quite good mindset though... so much for a tremendous spirits.. however he has forgotten sumthing.. It is karma... and no one can escape from it.. no matter how smart the person is..

I did massage ger last night, saying sorry cuz I was rude to her the other day while talking in msn... I said that she become short because her boobs are too big and it weighed herself down preventing her body to grow upwards.. To my surprice she answered " who are u? ".. and I answered "I am bayu, I think u have forgotten abt me, well nevermind you dont have to remember though, have a nice day"...

I was axpecting her to answer " how could I forget abt you, you should have mentioned ur name earlier cuz i had not saved ur number in my contact list" ... but the fact is, she cant be bothered to answer my sms... after waiting for her reply for so long finally I fell asleep..

In my dream I dreamt that i became alex best friend forever.. when suddenly I was awaken by irritating ringings of alarm clock at 09.00 am , i wished I could dream much longer... but when i had managed to close my eyes, that wondeful dream I had just had was never repeated.. with fury I threw the alarm clock till it breaks apart, as a punishment for disturbing my sleep and banishing my beautiful dream that seldom comes in my sleep....

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Alex ngajarin blajar

Ini 3 photo cassandra

Ini tiga photo alex

tau gak.. hari ini gw buat blog lagi.. mungkin udah yang ke seribu kalinya.. biasalah gw ini gak konsisten.. klo ada maunya aja baru jalan... kata pepatah.. "hangat hangat tai ayam"..

Gw bukan gay ya.. tapi gak tau kenapa rasanya pengen banget temenan sama orang cina, bukan hanya cewe, tapi juga cowo.. keramen, gw kenalan sama temen satu sekolah namanya alexander.. ganteng sih, yah sedikit di bawah gw lah , putih mukanya..tapi sayang rada judes... dia bae amet... pinter lagi.. moga moga gw bisa sahabatan terus sama dia..

ALEX NGAJARIN bagaimana caranya untuk belajar dengan consisten.. dia bilang.. "terus aja belajar, dan kalau ada gangguan biarkan saja dan jangan dihiraukan".. "kalo gak dipaksaain mana bisa"..

Baik banget yang si alex.. dia peduli sama gw.. gak kayak kunal.. yang selalu hanya mementingkan diri sendiri saja..

Masih terus terngiang ngiang di telinga gw suara cassandra, emang kayaknya gw jatuh cinta deh sama dia.. tapi kayaknya dia gak suka sama gw... gak tau deh knapa..?