Sunday, July 3, 2011

Brotherhood dillema

iI could like for instance conquer other's physchology.. but never I am able to conquer my own phycology.. it is a sense of lost that I find as I am trying to search what I want in my life..

the one million dollar question now is.. do I enjoy drinking?

I spent $1100 on drinking outing (clubs, pubs, party) last month with four different cliques. but really, I dont feel worth it. now I feel wasted. am I really 'investing' those money or actually wasting it to the drain?

here is the mood metre rate after I hang out with each group.

burmese friends
hapiness : 60%
sense of brothethood : 50%
future investment ratings: 99%
average amont spent per outing:$ 100

marcus wong friends (if we bring any)
hapiness :80%
sense of brotherhood :80%
future investment ratings :90%
average amont spent per outing:$ 150

Roomate and friends
hapiness: 85%
sense of brotherhood :50%
futute investment ratings: 83%
average amont spent per outing:$ 180

luqman and friends
hapiness: 56%
sense of brotherhood :90%
future investment ratings: 55%
average amont spent per outing:$ 90 (but I need to belaja most of the time)

soon or later I will hv to decide which group I hv to consider just as close friends and which I hv to consider as real brothers. for the time being,I am just tired I want to rest

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